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  • @louistouzet et suspense = buzz ;-) Etant donnée l'heure de mon tweet, peu de chances.. 11 years 28 weeks ago
  • @ippontech plz... bon ou pas bon pour #devoxxfr ? 11 years 28 weeks ago
  • Jeu @IPPONTECH : le mot mystère est tatami 11 years 28 weeks ago
  • @apkudo it's chrome on ubuntu. I'll send a ss 11 years 28 weeks ago
  • @apkudo I've seen very good enhancements last days : still few visual bugs but you're on the good way ! 11 years 28 weeks ago
  • @humble bundle 5 with #android looks less attractive than 4 + bids are going fast = I'll probably leave this one... 11 years 28 weeks ago
  • @joenrv assisté à ta (super) prez hier : en voyant le nbre de tweets @falcon_android je comprends mieux le travail à fournir ;-) #GoodJob 11 years 28 weeks ago
  • @louistouzet le stock de #nexus4 est remis à flot ! 11 years 28 weeks ago
  • @CedN "@DidierGirard: AngularJS, ce n'est pas pour jouer : http://t.co/Joh6cofBKn" 11 years 29 weeks ago
  • I should have read this article last week. It looks amazing ! The Official #Ubuntu Tablet Videos http://t.co/yCQMfebrdb 11 years 29 weeks ago

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drupal AddThis for Drupal

This small article might help you to figure out quickly how to work with the AddThis module for Drupal.
It is not a substitute to the original documentation : it just provides a concrete view of the configuration process from my experience.

Here is a sample "toolbox" generated with the AddThis module : AddThis : nicobo's sample toolbox

Here is an overview of the main steps to get AddThis working on Drupal :

  1. install the module : http://drupal.org/project/addthis
  2. choose in which nodes it appears : page, story, teasers, ...
  3. select which type of widget you want : they are called "button" and "toolbox" in the configure tab
  4. build the widget by adding components to it (only for "toolbox") : components includes popular buttons like facebook like, google +1, tweet, but also custom elements like separator, addthis 'more' button
  5. add a service customization for each component you listed : this step simply provides each component with adequate parameters
  6. customize it more using the numerous other options


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