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  • mlocate will never ruin my evenings anymore ! UNINSTALLED ! https://t.co/07wCGOZv2Q 3 years 27 weeks ago
  • "failed to build cryptography" of course... 3 years 28 weeks ago
  • The worst is that I already know that I forgot some optional openssl dependencies and that I'll need to start again... 3 years 28 weeks ago
  • Building https://t.co/oTfN2b5DJ4 inside #docker on #armv7 ... Let's go to bed and see if it's done tomorrow morning… https://t.co/6xUegSZlZz 3 years 28 weeks ago
  • RT @Unexplained: Caption this! https://t.co/FobPIx7gXB 3 years 29 weeks ago
  • Nice pattern : proposing the user to test his password before disconnecting from an always-connected app #keybase #security 3 years 29 weeks ago
  • RT @esascience: These cosmic #fireworks are the motions of numerous stars at the outskirts of our Milky Way as measured by @ESAGaia! 3 years 29 weeks ago
  • Want to really understand how bitcoin works? Here’s a gentle primer | Ars Technica - https://t.co/7nVsFJzG8X 3 years 30 weeks ago
  • @MCetMOI Impossible d'installer l'appli sur un smartphone sans Google... Je crois que je vais arrêter là... Du mal… https://t.co/owPEvVJNXk 3 years 34 weeks ago
  • @MCetMOI Euh... Application d'authentification mise en avant sur des sites d'Etat mais certificat de… https://t.co/EDnElhpcZQ 3 years 34 weeks ago


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