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  • Ah ah ah https://t.co/Ou3BoHpLA8 2 years 40 weeks ago
  • on the other hand, @AtomEditor's git GUI is very productive, so it still has my preference over @code 2 years 41 weeks ago
  • I wonder if #vscode users do use #git... The GUI is just impractical on a daily basis, I always end up switching to command line 2 years 41 weeks ago
  • Important to know that this exists ! This new technology called a "Speaking Portrait" allows any still photo to be… https://t.co/AP8GVnst2N 2 years 43 weeks ago
  • RT @Thom_astro: Le Vésuve et #Naples. Les montagnes sont toujours plus spectaculaires prises avec un léger angle qu’à la verticale parfaite… 2 years 43 weeks ago
  • Knew that already, but may be of some interest for tech beginners... https://t.co/9WIhTRIYyW 2 years 46 weeks ago
  • RT @stefanolaru: 3 hours of debugging can save you 5 mins of reading the docs. 2 years 46 weeks ago
  • Like a #scifi movie, except it's real 2 years 48 weeks ago
  • First paragraphs are just so confuse... Anyway the rest is a great & straight description of #sleep states in… https://t.co/dDLejX0SXO 2 years 48 weeks ago
  • RT @github: A pixel editor in the terminal? Why not! https://t.co/0d2xHvyyXJ 2 years 48 weeks ago


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