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Me on Twitter

  • RT @computerfact: concerned parent: if all your friends jumped off a bridge would you follow them? machine learning algorithm: yes. 6 years 9 weeks ago
  • RT @timberners_lee: We have lost a colossal mind and a wonderful spirit. Rest in peace, Stephen Hawking. https://t.co/ectv7r4UIm 6 years 9 weeks ago
  • RT @helenvholmes: Yes, let's https://t.co/tM4iF50idY 6 years 14 weeks ago
  • Do people who can afford a LG wallpaper TV really care about paying it 7,999.99$ rather than 8,000$ ??? 6 years 26 weeks ago
  • As I understand this is 1 step closer to breaking current cryptography standards. Goodbye #privacy https://t.co/ncka6ldRV8 #quantumcomputing 6 years 27 weeks ago
  • Write 'cookie' in Unicode : 6 years 30 weeks ago
  • RT @FBonnifet: Un peu de pédagogie pour tous ceux qui n'ont pas compris l'intérêt d'une taxe carbone 6 years 32 weeks ago
  • @laquadrature Google sometimes frightens me. It just looked into my photos to suggest me a better look for my last… https://t.co/kGT8dnmVDb 6 years 32 weeks ago
  • "Voici les quatre mesures qui menacent notre vie privée" https://t.co/I6spzN5QKB 6 years 32 weeks ago
  • RT @datagouvfr: Service public de la donnée: les données du Cadastre sont maintenant disponibles en #opendata: https://t.co/BNfYwaFRhp http… 6 years 33 weeks ago


drupal AddThis for Drupal

This small article might help you to figure out quickly how to work with the AddThis module for Drupal.
It is not a substitute to the original documentation : it just provides a concrete view of the configuration process from my experience.

Here is a sample "toolbox" generated with the AddThis module : AddThis : nicobo's sample toolbox

Here is an overview of the main steps to get AddThis working on Drupal :

  1. install the module : http://drupal.org/project/addthis
  2. choose in which nodes it appears : page, story, teasers, ...
  3. select which type of widget you want : they are called "button" and "toolbox" in the configure tab
  4. build the widget by adding components to it (only for "toolbox") : components includes popular buttons like facebook like, google +1, tweet, but also custom elements like separator, addthis 'more' button
  5. add a service customization for each component you listed : this step simply provides each component with adequate parameters
  6. customize it more using the numerous other options


drupal Displaying your tweets on your Drupal blog

If you want to display your latest tweets on your Drupal blog, you will probably want to use the dedicated Twitter module. Among other features, this module provides a new block type that lists a selection of tweets from an account. Tweets are retrieved via a cron job and stored in your website's database, making them available even through corporate firewalls that banish twitter.com. Just-what-you-need !

There are a few catches however : it will likely not work if you are on a shared host because Twitter puts rate limits to the usage of their API, and there is a bug in the block view that can be circumvented.

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