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  • With the files decryted, Angry Birds Score gains back a feature : synchronizing scores for #AngryBirdsSeasons ;-) http://t.co/wX012Y6C 12 years 50 weeks ago
  • Just decrypted #angrybirdsseasons files using ubuntu and android emulator. Big thanks to Brut.all http://t.co/mYOCs3sk. Now I can sleep... 12 years 51 weeks ago
  • Vidéo : Ubuntu for Android http://t.co/a4pOQs8d via @Fredzone 12 years 51 weeks ago


android Small devices are ignored

This has been annoying me since the beginning : small screen devices are not taken into account by the vast majority of apps editors.

Worse : despite Google's pleading about size-caring (see http://developer.android.com/design), they recommend patterns that actually don't fit the real small screens for which size-caring IS important.

Here are screenshots of Android Market and Google Reader on an Xperia Mini (HVGA 320x480, 88mm long) :

Android Market on Xperia MiniGoogle Reader on Xperia Mini

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