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  • #android embeds http-client but not MultipartEntity ? Why not ? http://t.co/yxdmw0na 11 years 15 weeks ago
  • It's looking better and wastes less space on #Ubuntu though... #Eclipse #Juno 11 years 15 weeks ago
  • #Eclipse #Juno is ugly on XP. I now have to switch back to classic theme in addition to using traditional tabs http://t.co/yE3Y60hv #fail 11 years 15 weeks ago
  • Un très bon guide sur les tests de charge. Éléments essentiels et approche pragmatique. http://t.co/WYwgFYjW 11 years 15 weeks ago
  • RT @cedric_exbrayat: RT @hnycombinator: StackExchange average age of users for each tag http://t.co/YCgbdOOG 11 years 16 weeks ago
  • Learn what a MOOC is with the #coursera #scala experience : http://t.co/zIYG9cm5 11 years 18 weeks ago
  • RT @YourAnonNews: Justin Bieber gets 12,000 retweets for saying "thanks" so here is our attempt: thanks 11 years 20 weeks ago
  • "@Devoxx: The Devoxx 2012 tag cloud based on the titles, made by Gerard Maas. http://t.co/YRZsNxj5" #android 2nd, #scala not so far... 11 years 20 weeks ago
  • I've been leading for a few minutes on #AngryBirdsSeasons today's level at http://t.co/CAYZCCl2. Now already back to 2nd place... 11 years 21 weeks ago
  • RT @Devoxx: The #Devoxx 2012 interviews now available on Parleys @ http://t.co/jNCQXKiD The majority of the conference talks will foll ... 11 years 21 weeks ago

XML resources

android How to organise XML resources

The first time I read Android developer docs, there was something that was unclear to me : what resource to put in which XML file.

In this article, I will focus on resources in res/values and give some hints about how to name your XML resource files and what kind of resource to put inside.


In my case I had only one or two arrays of strings so it was overwhelming to put them in a separate file just because they were of a different type.

Another problem was accessing constant values from both XML layout and Java code. They are constant strings for internal use only, but in order to avoid duplicate declarations I decided to make them available as XML resources. I wanted those resources to be clearly separated from other, 'user visible', resources like GUI labels.

Another thing adding to the fog was the fact that, in derivate files (e.g. strings-fr.xml is derivated from strings.xml), you only want to find values relevant for the given file.
For instance, if you put all values of type 'string' in the same file but only a part of them should be internationalized, you would have a gap between the original and derivated files not only by the translated values but also by the list of values they declare. When coming back to the project after a long time, you might have a hard time remembering why there is this gap.


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